Photos of Pastor Training
Graduation September 2015 (21)
Thirty men from Ukraine, Romania, and Hungary received their diplomas on Friday, September 25, 2015 from the Roma Bible Institute. The guests included the leaders of Hungarian Baptist Aid and Baptists on Mission as well as wives of the pastors and graduates. -
March 2014 (22)
The fifth semester of classes were exciting as the Roma students reached the half-way point in their three year certificate program. -
January 2013 (26)
The first semester of Bible school for thirty Roma pastors and men seeking to be pastors. Ten from Ukraine, ten from Romania and ten from Hungary. The school is located in Hungary and is taught through translation in Hungarian. -
Pastors and Their Wives (12)
The network of Roma churches in western Ukraine is strong. The pastors support one another and help to plant new churches. Pray for these men and women to be faithful servants. -